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How To Keep Busy During Covid 19

Pens and Pencils .Net |

We’re all in this together! As the world is fighting the invisible enemy of the corona virus, we are contributing by being quarantined. We are hoping to stop the swift spread of the disease by staying in our homes and not socializing.  Being home with family is awesome! However, it’s been a while and we find ourselves battling boredom daily. Below is a list of ten things you could do to keep busy while staying home.

  1. Play Games: Sit around the table with some fresh popcorn and enjoy a board game for all ages. Monopoly, Life, Othello and Battleship are just a few examples of classical games that your family can enjoy
  2. Bake: Stock up on basic ingredients like flour, sugar and eggs and find the recipe your family loves. Practice your math skills when you double or half the ingredients!!
  3. Read: Dig up old books or swap with your neighbor. Curl up on the sofa and enjoy!
  4. Dance: Put the music on, and dance!!
  5. Memories: Look through old photo albums with your family and reminisce about old memories. Add to the memories by taking a picture now!
  6. Coloring: It’s not just for little kids anymore! Millions of adults worldwide use coloring as a relaxation method . Use Sharpie markers or colored pencils to create a drawing or use a coloring book.
  7. Reconnect: Call old neighbors or classmates and reconnect. Everyone I called was glad, and nobody said they were too busy to talk now!
  8. Learn a new language: Download an app and learn a new language you always wanted to know!

Spanish, Chinese, Russian can be very useful languages

  1. Organize: Sort through your closets, and drawers. Take out what you don’t want anymore and decide if it’s trash or pass it on to someone in need. You will make someone else happy and

 have more space in your closet!

  1. Relax: Its mind over matter! Don’t fret that you are wasting time! Enjoy the time and relax.

Thanks for reading and be safe!


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